Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Please, Thank you's, the more you know and 60 days...

Welp...we are keep on trucking' it over here. 
60 days... it's almost here. 

I am full on in overload phase and it.is.a lot. 
Ya...you know my safety goggle style swim goggles are the sexiest thing you've seen since the VS runway show. Don't lie. I can't help it that my eyeball sockets are bigger than regular goggles so regular goggles make me feel like my eyes are being gouged out with dull spoons. But I digress..

So anyways... to reference the post title...here we go (insert **deep breath**)
I hit a wall this week. Everyone I know that has trained for this has told me they hit a wall at some point. At some point you kind of feel like you're going crazy and becoming the most boring person in the world. All I feel like I do right now is work, workout, eat, and sleep...for real. And this week it's gotten old, and I cracked a little bit. But thankfully I am surrounded by some pretty amazing family and friends and an even more amazing hubster. So here we go...

The Please(s):
One sweet friend asked me this last week what she could do to encourage me - and my honest response was just to still love me and be my friend in 60 days. If you are one of these people in my life and/or know someone training for this - know that we LOVE you and we MISS you and we absolutely do not want to be exhausted, over extended, MIA messes but we did commit to this crazy thing and we are too close to it now to back out (for sure). For most of us (definitely for me) this is the only time I will try to accomplish this so this is it, our one shot. Please know you are so much more important to me/us than our training schedule. So please be patient, know we will return from the cave of I-Only-Exercise-Outside-Of-Work shortly and be much better friends/family/spouses. It's coming. We love you. 

The Thank You's:
If you are one of those awesome friends/family/my super hubs - thank you. Thank you for supporting me/us ins this crazy journey. Thank you for putting up with the waking up way too early, staying up way too late, hungry all the time, not picking up the phone, not making the phone call, SO boring version of ourselves we are right now. You are the reason we keep going. Thank you for still loving us and being there even when we are totally MIA. Only 60 more days...thank you for bearing with us! 

The More You Know's:
Now that we are 60 days out....a few things I wish I had truly known and appreciated about this journey (so far...)
1. the house will be an unmitigated disaster. cleaning and laundry routines will cease to exist.

2. training for this is hard on relationships. be on point and be intentional about making this a better known fact with your family/friends/spouse/coworkers, etc. before you're too far in...and make a plan for keeping these relationships priority over your training schedule because that's important

3. if it doesn't go in the crock pot or can be cooked/put together in less than 5 minutes - it's not happening. A lot of pizzas have/will be ordered. 

4. I should buy stock in K-tape. For reals. K-Tape and compression socks/sleeves are the shiz. 

(ps - got my Baylor kit in...it's also the coolest. But I already own stock in the good ole BU)

5. 4:30AM is a real time that you will wake up at on a regular basis ON PURPOSE...and not only that you will STILL BE WORKING OUT THAT AFTERNOON/EVENING. Oh Ya! And go to work too! And be a functioning human being that runs errands and stuff on top. For Real! Never did I ever think I would see a day that I would wake up pre-5:00 for any reason except that I am going on vacation. Much less to work out...consistently. I don't even know myself anymore! Who is this crazy?!?

6. You will learn that your body is capable of so much more than you ever knew. I am just praying it's enough to get me to that finish line. If I DNF this - I will need to be committed. And not the good kind....like the straight jacket kind. But that's not gonna happen...I'm finishing this. Coach said so. The end. 

So workout wise we are doing 2.5-4 hrs/day during the week and 4+hrs/day on the weekends...sooo ya. Coach and everybody I know that has done this says just get through March/get to Easter and it's all downhill from there so I'm counting down people! Almost there! Thanks for hanging in there with me! You are loved and appreciated!! See you all again soon!

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