Friday, October 17, 2014

Guilty Pleasures...a confession

Happy Friday Amigos! Checking in here from my couch throne. Day 3 post op. Let's cover the surgery stuff first.  Honestly I am feeling remarkably good - I am truly quite surprised. I have been on only ibuprofen since day 1 post op and now I really only need it like 1-2x/day (and that's mostly towards the end of the day to help with pain before I go to sleep so I can sleep through the night). I'm off the couch at night (slept there the 1st two nights because it's just more comfortable/easier to get up and out of than our high bed) and been pretty independent. I'm still a bit swollen and starting to bruise and I'm not going to lie - it's just a different outcome surgically than I thought. Not a bad outcome. Just different. No need to go into details but if you go through this process and feel that way afterwards - you're not alone.

Hubster is leaving for a big business trip tomorrow (for a week! This is the first time we will have been apart for more than 2-3 days since we practically started dating almost 7 years ago! crazy!) so he had to be in the office to prep so I got to hang out and do all the lazy things I never do  yesterday (and let's face too).

This is where those that are close to me (*ahem* my sister *coughcough*) know that I struggle still being at home and not being super productive. Ya - I don't see a future as a stay at home housewife looking good for me. There's only so much I can be in the house or responsible for house things. I've got stuff to do people!

Although I feel good - I definitely still tire easily and yesterday was a great example. I have full range in my arms and I'm off pain meds so I called up the salon to see if I could get my hair cut - got an appt and drove my happy hiney to the galleria to get a trim (a whopping 10 minute drive). I got home almost 3 hours later after literally sitting in the salon chair and not shopping AT ALL (you're welcome hubs) and C.R.A.S.H.E.D. for the rest of the afternoon.  Then I got back up for dinner and was back in bed by 9:15. Watch out party animals.

So the plan for today is to chill, not obsessively read the two book series I'm in right now. I'm ashamedly unashamedly reading total young adult series. So here's my big guilty pleasure confession. Are you ready?

                                     All of it. In like 3 days.


                                         Then I watched all the movies. And I loved it.

I swear I have a master's degree from a top rate university, I swear I have literary standards (which clearly I hold no attachment to) and I want to believe these series are not like twilight ...ok maybe kind of like twilight but I swear it's written better...yes I read twilight...yes I guilty pleasure loved it...yes I realize it is literary garbage...#don'tjudgeme. Whew...I feel so much better having that off my chest!

Right now I'm DONE with ALL of Game of Thrones (Thank you Lord - I don't know if I could get through another one of those books), I'm halfway through the Breathe series trilogy  and have the Legend trilogy downloaded (as recommended by some fab RN's I work with). Book reviews to come! Other than that the goal is to accomplish some house cleaning/laundry (ugh) and enjoy this beautiful day before hubster disappears for a week!

What are your literary guilty pleasures? Send 'em my way peeps! Anybody read these series? Come on...I'm not the only one out there who put Twilight on their Kindle so they didn't have to show the cover off to people. And no - I'm not reading 50 shades. Don't even.

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