Sunday, July 20, 2014

Turning corners

I think I might be able to safely say we have turned a corner people. Thank you for your prayers because there is no other way I can feel I can properly explain the major changes in the last 48 hours. Since I last blogged:

1. I got to take TWO showers! The Power of the Shower people! I can't. Just. For real. 

2. I can get up and around the house and even brush my teeth or get some water (after Alex fills the bottle for me and brings it to an appropriate distance from me since bottles of water are heavy ya'll!) or something and I can lift my arms and stuff (but not above my shoulder level Dr. C. don't worry) I even killed a mosquito in our bathroom without breaking my weight bearing or reaching precautions. #texassummerwin Now if only I could somehow get to opening all the pocket doors and my child proof medication bottles in our house (side note: WHY DO WE HAVE SO MANY DANG POCKET DOORS! AND WHY IS THAT THE OPENING TO ALL OUR BATHROOMS?! and why are childproof med caps given to people who CAN'T SQUEEZE/PUSH DOWN ON ANYTHING?!? )

Yep - adult stuff goin' on round here. I feel like one of those toddler board books about self care teaching come to life.

**NERDY THERAPIST MOMENT** For all my therapy friends out there - I feel like I'm totally a min assist but you know...those caps and doorways will totes push me into a damn mod assist (stupid FIM)

3. Here's a biggie - I am off all narcotic pain meds as of yesterday! And I've only needed ibuprofen 3 times in the last 16 hrs which is pretty amazing. AND I only needed a muscle relaxant 1 more time last night since my night in the ER to help with chest tightness. (also all that other stuff that happens to your body when you are on narcotics too is wearing off/working out so I am feeling much less blob-of-humanity-esque if you will)

4. Mom came down yesterday (Thanks Mom!!). She took me all the way down the driveway and we went on a field trip to walgreens and she said I was a champ (as only moms can in a way that makes you feel equally adult awesome and revert-to-toddler-hooray-awesome...ya'll know that feeling...right?!?). 

5. My surgeon really wants me to be out and walking more and getting outside a bit so Alex and I went big adventuring later and walked through the homes we can't afford we love that are being built behind our house right now and are open THEN walked HALF WAY around the block. Yep. Watch out ironman marathon - I'm coming for you! One.Block.At.A.Time.  (forget the fact I took a solid hour nap after this adventure...#workhardnaphard AMIRIGHT?!?)

I won't know anything about that portion of skin on the right until my 2nd pre-op appt next Wed (when hopefully these dang drains will come out and I will stop looking like something out of the Matrix) but definitely turning corners around here. In general I just feel so much more like myself and am back to giving Alex a sassy time from my couch corner so I'm sure he feels like his normal wife is returning from some floaty place too. So if that's not an amen moment I don't know what is!

So Happy Sunday all! Thank you for joining me on this journey. Things are looking up. 

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