Friday, July 18, 2014

momma said there'd be days like this...

It's been a hard day today ya'll.

On the positive side- I FINALLY got to take a shower which was life changing.

However - I have been having really severe muscle spasms and having a hard time breathing deeply since the surgery and then last night I spiked a temperature that landed me back at the ER at MDACC having a chipper chat with the very british plastic surgery fellow about what was going on.

Thankfully all the surgical sites and drains look fine and all my labs were ok so they put me on an IV antibiotic drip for a few hours as a precaution and let me go home. The doctor felt as though my pain and shortness of breath were likely due to the bottom part of my lungs still having some fluid in them after being intubated for so long and that along with the tissue expanders and drains causing muscle tightness that were kicking off spasms and making it hard for me to breathe deeply enough to reopen that part of my lungs. Either way they patched me up and sent me home.

We didn't get home until 3am. Then I was still having a lot of pain, spasms and difficulty breathing and moving my left shoulder/arm this morning so I called back up there and they had me go back in for a check up with my actual surgeon. She affirmed that all the drains and incisions look good but she is concerned about a part of the skin on the right side that may not be getting good vascular blood flow like it should. Please be in prayer with me over that specifically as retaining good vascularity in that very tender skin is very important for recovery and for avoiding further complications. Other than that she clarified a few things for me in my discharge orders and gave me a muscle relaxant to help with the spasms. By the time I got home today I was pretty much zombied out with exhaustion. Thankfully the muscle relaxant very much did its job and I am breathing much easier now and have been able to take less pain meds since the spasms are under control.

Major thanks for our precious friends who spent time with us in the ER last night and who helped me all day today so that Alex was still able to get everything he needed to get done work wise and I was still able to make my appointments. Continued major props to the hubster for being this incredible medical caretaker - the things you never knew your spouse was capable of until they rise to crazy challenges. I am convinced that if he can get through this with me that American Ninja Warrior should be no.bigs. right?

So anyways - thats the update for now. I'm back home and feeling much better but if I could ask for your prayers over the healing of the tissue on the right side and for continued rest and ceasing of muscle spasms that would be awesome.

Hopefully tomorrow I'm kickin' a little higher. Thanks ya'll. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Lord I humbly pray that you protect the vascular flow to Hannah's tender tissue. Lord I pray you ease her breathing and speak peace and energy to her And her sweet husband. I pray this in your Holy name...amen
