100 days...for reals...100 days until I drag my hiney 140.6 miles around The Woodlands, Texas. It's real. I mean in the same time as it would take an unrelentless collections agent to call me about some unpaid bill - I'm doing the Ironman. Woah.
So since I am...shall way say less-than-consistent lately on updating this lovely little bloggy blog - here's the workout highlights.
- My coach changed for reasons outside of my control. So that's been a transition but a good one so far!
- workouts are 6-7 days/week for at least 1-2'ish hours/day during the week and typically 3-4'ish hours/day on the weekend.
- max ride distance has been 62 miles w/ a short run after; max run has been 9 miles with a swim afterwards. However - have been warned that up to this point workouts have been a cake walk and now that we are sub-100 - that everything really seems to ramp up! I'm ready (I think...gulp)
- workouts are some compilation of speed work, endurance work, strength circuits, bike/swim bricks, run/bike bricks, and run/swim bricks
- diet is going well and long workout nutrition is still being "tweaked" to keep me from retaining a lot of fluid/gaining major weight during my long workouts - so there's that.
In summation...
For reals - if you train for this - as you approach this mark and training continues to ramp up - be prepared. This becomes the thing at or very near the top of the daily priority list. For me - life is literally hubster/family>work>working out>fun times with friends>sleep. Sooo....ya...I'm sorry to all my family and friends. I am officially entering MIA land. See ya in May!
In other fun news - in between all the lift and workout craziness -I got to go to Baylor University (may awesome alma mater) to lecture to their graduate students. That was pretty awesomely awesome. I really went into it anticipating their response to be something like:
To inspire the next generation of speech pathologists to be all that they can be
But I'm pretty sure their impression was something more like
But all in all it really went well and I was very pleased and think the students got a lot out of it.
Then we went skiing this week (to add to the reasons I was MIA). Someone please just move me to the mountains. Now. For reals. We went to ski Park City and The Canyons, Utah and both resorts were amazing, the weather was lovely and I followed the best ski advice ever given.
So basically I'm totes amaze balls at skiing. Yep.
Or not. But I did have a blast! And came out of it injury free!
Wins for us all!
Ok friends...I'm just about
So I'm headed to dream land! Hope you all have an amazing week and I can't wait to update you all again soon! It's ramping up so let's hit it!
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