So yes I know I once again left you hanging there for a while. Hubster and I have been traveling and working and truly not much else has been going on in this camp. Last week we traveled to Michigan for the first time for a friend's wedding. What a lovely state (and a blessed break from the
So besides that I have just been doing my thing. Going to work, trying to keep my house in some kind of respectable shape, getting back to doing some cooking in the kitchen and this week I got to go back to my favorite spin class in the history of bikes-that-don't-go-anywhere at Define Body and Mind (I was at the River Oaks location).
Seriously - it's the best. One of my precious friends had 2 free classes extra on her membership and she graciously gifted them to me which was so so awesome and fun. It feels so good to get a good sweaty work out on so you can
Other than that I have just been counting down the days to not channeling my favorite childhood toy for much longer.
#mondaymorning am I right?! But seriously - barbie be gone already from my chestesses
Oh ya. For reals. It's actually gotten a lot better and I feel pretty normal but still...can't wait.
Initially we were shooting for Oct. 21 for my expander/implant exchange surgery. Unfortunately after that I was bumped to Nov 4 due to another active cancer case taking precedence on my procedure (ok ok...I "guess" active cancer can trump me...** please read this sarcastically** please treat those with active cancer before me - I'm cool with it...really). Then they called me this last Monday to see if they could bump me again to Nov 6.
I tried to be gracious. I did. However, truly from a work schedule, life schedule and blessed Baylor football attendance perspective (not to mention hitting the Ironman training road) - the further we got into November really wasn't my preference. I crossed my fingers and toes and anything else that can cross and asked if there was any possible way for me to be rescheduled anytime in October. She said it would be early but she would check with my surgeon and call me back. Thankfully a few hours later I got the and she confirmed that my surgeon ok'ed me to have my implant exchange on Oct 14! I was so excited I LITERALLY let out a "woo! ya!" - fist pump and all on the phone while hiding in the middle of a storage closet off of the NICU floor. I pondered the possibility of throwing an epic celebratory dance party int he middle of a storage closet full of formula and diapers but rather went on with my day so thankful for this awesome change!
So there you have it people - in a little more than a month I'll be getting some real boobs! The surgery will be on a Tuesday and I'll be off the rest of this week. I have my 8 week post op appointment on Sept 17 so I'll get more details then but until then I'm walking on a rainbow road to boobville.
I'll make sure to update next week after my next post op but we are making progress over here! Thanks everyone for your awesome support and love! Here's to taking the next step!
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