So can we set some ground rules? Can my posts get shorter as this goes on? (I hope so/that's my plan - but this one's not...still hang with me k?)
A few things that I thought about when thinking about starting this blog journey:
1. Some things you should know about me:
- I am 29 turning 30 this next year.
- I am married to an awesome, supportive husband who loves me more than I deserve and is so SO supportive of this decision (both boobs and a year of REALLY long bike rides)
- We have no kids and that's not on the horizon in the immediate future
- I am very sarcastic
- I like to create abbreviations...abbrevs...get used to it
- I get super passionate and excited about whatever I am committed to. One of my best friends likes to call this my "fiercely loyal" side. But once I'm committed - I'm in. 110% baby. Get ready.
- I am a talker. I talk for a living. I am wordy. Despite this - putting this experience totally out there for the world to read is pretty out of my comfort zone. But if you never put yourself out of your comfort zone - what are you doing with your life? AMIRIGHT?
2. I want this to be an authentic, vulnerable record of this experience. Because of this:
- Yes, we are going to kind of touchy feely at times...a lot of emotion, thought and prayer went into this decision (mostly boobs but also bike rides I suppose). If that freaks you out - check back in with me in November. We will talking much more about bike rides than boobs by that point ...k?
- If you are reading this and are going through this journey - I am an open book. Feel free to leave a comment and if I can help or answer any question with my personal experience I will.
- Because I want this to be a resource to others going through this experience (again, mostly boobs, but also rookie, I'm-not-exactly-naturally-athletic-but-will-do-the-ironman-anyways too I suppose) - we will discuss some pretty intimate details of the process, my experience, my reconstruction and recovery.
- This is so someone might be able to read this and may take some comfort or information away from it. By nature of this process - things that I normally wouldn't talk to total strangers(or even people that are not the closest to me for that matter) is out there for the world. I'm ok with that.
- (sidenote: If you are a member of my family or friend - particularly one of the menfolk - please don't take this as me trying to give you a mental picture of my fake boobies or make this a conversation piece for our Thanksgiving table...and if you are...that's weird...we are just going to stop that conversation kthanks
3. **WARNING: BIT OF A SOAPBOX FOLLOWS** No I am not going to breastfeed if ever/whenever we have kids. So- if you are headed to your la leche league meeting just now and about to leave me a nastygram about that - please read below and just be nice (bc believe it or not I have already gotten some VERY unwanted comments and "advice" in this arena from lots of people...and while I know it was all well intended it's just not necessary). I am going to address this very shortly and probably not talk about it ever again so here'goes:
- #1 - I have no children, I have no imaginary children, and I am not emotionally tied to the future possible breastfeeding of my future imaginary children at.all.
- I am a speech pathologist - I work in the NICU with preterm and ill infants. I work with babies and bottle feeding mommies and breast feeding mommies That being said, I am LITERALLY a licensed, professional bottle feeder.
- I support breastfeeding - all you mommies that pump, and feed and provide for your baby this way - I applaud you. If you are my patient and this is your goal - I will do everything in my power to help that be a successful goal for you and your baby. You go girl (fo'reals - BF'ing is NO.JOKE. and if you make it happen - you get mad props from me)
- BF'ing is not for everyone. This is it's own long
storymulti-volume highly controversial novellapost. And honestly - I am QUITE relieved to not have to nurse my imaginary future children should that ever happen. That is preference...and I think that's ok. - Can we all just agree to support one another and pat all those mommies on the back for just being awesome mommies - no matter how those kids get fed? CanIGetAnAmen?
Totally Gretch...being nice is so fetch.
Stay post starts the journey to new boobtown!
Hannah breast milk does not a mother make!! You are going to be awesome without ducts.